The Engagement of Akhlak Tasawuf’s Lecturers in The ICIC (International Conference on Islamic Cosmopolitanism) Event
The Engagement of Akhlak Tasawuf’s Lecturers in The ICIC (International Conference on Islamic Cosmopolitanism) Event
International Conference on Islamic Cosmopolitanism: Doctrine, Praxis, and Paradox held by State Islamic University of Antasari at Hotel G-Sign on November, 15-16th 2018 was attended by three eminent speakers which all became presenters at plenary session, that is, Dr. Syuan-Yuan Chiou from National Chengchi University, Taiwan, with the topic ‘Indonesian Moslem in Contemporary Taiwan’; Dr. Phil. Sahiron Syamsuddin from State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, with the tittle ‘The Qur’anic Perspective on Cosmopolitanism’; and Prof. Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf from Mahidol University, Bangkok, with the speech on ‘The Rise of Asian Islamophobia: The Case of Muslim and Buddhist’.
The conference had succeeded inviting around 38 researchers and speakers to deliver their works including the lecturers from Akhlak Tasawuf Field of Postgraduate Program of UIN Antasari. In this moment, Dr. Muhammad Zainal Abidin, M. Ag, the lecturer of Tasawuf and Modernity at Akhlak Tasawuf Field, presented the movement of Salafi and its context to the cosmopolitanism, especially the paradox that manifested by Salafi between the tradition and modernity. At this third Parallel Session, the moderator and also the chief of Akhlak Tasawuf Field of Postgraduate Program, Dr. Muhammad Rusydi, M. Ag, consented to Zainal’s idea on the complexity and the vibrant reactions perpetrated by the Salafi movement today. The chief of Akhlak Tasawuf Field, Dr. Muhammad Rusydi, M. Ag, at the second parallel meeting evidently had delivered his research on the proliferation of knowledge in the Higher Islamic Education’s cases linked to the cosmopolitanism’s notion. He thought that the integration of knowledge as the response of Higher Islamic Education to cosmopolitanism had encouraged the establishment state Islamic University in Indonesia which carrying on the same vision but, at the same time, showing the different forms.
The Rector of UIN Antasari and also the lecturer of Akhlak Tasawuf at Postgraduate Program, Prof. Dr. H. Mujiburrahman, insisted that the conference aimed to boost the development of Islam locally and globally. The top leader of UIN Antasari said that the differences among muslims in the world is a fact but the relationship amid them should be kept, let alone with the presence of smart technology today which may facilitate Muslim connection around the world. “By this means we can live up the cosmopolitanism values”, said he.
The conference also showed off the local tradition performance, Madihin, as the part of entertainment in the opening ceremony. Ahmad Sya’rani, M. Ag, an alumnus of Akhlak Tasawuf Field, succeeded appealing the conference participant’s attention by his Madihin skill in which the content displayed the combination of the Banjarese Islamic values and cosmopolitanism.