Akhlak Tasawuf Lecturers of UIN Antasari Postgraduate Program Disseminated Their Research
Two Akhlak Tasawuf’s Lecturers of UIN Antasari Postgraduate Program Disseminated Their Research in South Sumatera
Tuesday, November 27, 2018, LP2M (Researchand Community Services Institute) of UIN Antasari held the dissemination for National Level Research of BOPTN (Operational Aid fund for State University) at Palembang. The agenda also actualized the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) had been assigned before between UIN Antasari and UIN Raden Fatah. The activity was carried out at ASTON Hotel, Venue Musi I, Palembang, South Sumatera. It was attended by the Vice Rector I of UIN Antasari, Dr. H. Hamdan, M. Pd, the chief of Central Research and Publication of UIN Antasari, Dr. Wardani, M. Ag, and some elite officials from UIN Raden Fatah.
The dissemination which took a theme on “The Issue of Educational Quality Enhancement at Islamic University (PTKI): From The implementation of Knowledge Integration, Religious De-radicalization to The Ideal Design of Learning” provided four topics with six researchers. Among the researchers, two of them were the lecturers with Akhlak Tasawuf’s home base, that is, Prof. Dr. H. Mujiburrahman, MA and Dr. Muhammad Rusydi, M. Ag. Their investigation was related to the issue of knowledge integration in some universities at Indonesia, from UIN Jakarta, UIN Yogyakarta, UIN Malang, UIN Makassar, UIN Surabaya, to UIN Medan. Unfortunately, in this dissemination only Dr. Muhammad Rusydi, M. Ag who be able to deliver the result of research to the audiences, helped by Musyarrafah, S. Pd., M. Pd. I, as the other member of the research’s team.
Furthermore, at the Question-Answer Session, Dr. Muhammad Rusydi, M. Ag alluded the importance of Tarāqi (bottom-up) and Tanāzul (Top-Down) concepts in tasawuf related to the concept of knowledge’s integration when asked by the participant about the universality/the ideal values and the multiplicity of distinctions which proposed by all UINs (State Islamic Universities) in regard of knowledge integration’s form.
This initial actualized joint venture program between UIN Antasari and Raden Fatah hoped could encourage the next other activities in the future for the merit of these both UINs. (11/28/2018)